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Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new website!

After more than a year of research, planning, writing and designing, we are excited to share our new MPS and school websites! 

The following are a few highlights of the new district and school sites:

  • Streamlined district and school site navigation
  • Quick access to school websites from any page
  • Consistent design across all school websites
  • Improved search functionality
  • Upgraded accessibility features
  • Intelligent language translations

Thank you to our families and community members who helped shape the new site by sharing their thoughts and feedback. We're excited to share it with our staff, families, students and MPS community.

With questions or feedback about the new site, fill out our feedback form or email

  • Featured

There will be no school for MPS students tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan 21 due to dangerously cold temperatures. MPS-sponsored programs will be canceled with the exception of high school sports games, adult education and enrichment classes and the school board meeting. Student athletes will receive communications from their coaches.


Staff members should not report in-person unless they are needed to manage emergency functions or have been identified by their supervisor as needing to be on-site. One school site administrator, all custodians and culinary school coordinators must report to each school site.  Schools will open to receive students who may still arrive at school. The administrator will be responsible for contacting students' homes.


School-based staff and central office employees will have a remote duty day. More information can be found in the severe weather staff guidance


For more information, see our severe weather webpage.