Site Council
Help your school increase academic achievement and outcomes for your students.
MPS values family and community members as active partners in reviewing funding, policies, practices and programs at our schools. All MPS schools have site councils to support site-based decision making to increase academic outcomes for our students. Site councils are a way that parents and community members can learn what is happening in their school and influence decisions. It's important for site councils to reflect the student population of the schools to ensure a diversity of ideas and input.
Heritage Site Council
At Heritage Academy, we believe that the foundation to student success involves having a community of parents who actively participate in their education.
Parents can contribute to student development in a variety of ways, including:
- Join the Heritage Site Council
- Participate in child’s daily learning process
- Volunteer in classrooms or chaperone field trips
- Work with administrators and teachers to ensure student success
- Participate in Teacher Appreciation efforts
- Organize family events
- Build relationships with teachers and staff
- Stay informed of the latest happenings at school
- Assist in fundraising and school development
Mulki Nalaye
Assistant Principal